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Intuitive Interface

mp3Tag Pro is a powerful and feature rich MP3 tag editor. Some software developers prefer to put each and every feature as a button on the toolbar. However, after a couple dozens of such buttons the user gets lost and hardly recognizes how to use the program anymore. mp3Tag Pro employs a different approach, offering the full variety of features without cluttered toolbars. Its main window consists of a few areas with easily recognized functionality. If some area is not needed, the user can simply close it and pay attention to what is really important at the moment.

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mp3Tag is great, by the way. I am a bit of an addict when it comes to music. I download a lot of music files from blogs and many of them are poorly tagged and named. mp3Tag makes the process of making them more useful so very easy. I have hundreds of files from a time before I purchased mp3Tag and am now going through those files to fix them. I simply could not do this without mp3Tag.

Keep up the great work. I look forward to future versions.



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